Complaints Procedure

Centro Esami Athena Docet IH Pescara

The care and satisfaction of our students and candidates are essential in the organization of our work at Athena Docet – IH Pescara.

We always welcome feedback from our customers. Where a complaint is received, we undertake to deal with that complaint effectively, sensitively and speedily. We aim to learn from all complaints so that we can improve our customer services.


What to do if you have a complaint?

To help us investigate your concerns promptly, please outline your complaint in as much detail as possible by filling in this form.

You can submit your complaint to us in one of 2 ways:

  1. By handling it to your Supervisor on the day of the exam.
  2. By e-mail to

Our commitment to you:

We aim to provide you with an initial response to your complaint within four working days. As part of our investigation into your concerns, we will contact anyone concerned with, or anyone who could be helpful with supplying information pertinent to the investigation. We aim to investigate fully all complaints within ten working days.

Consulta il calendario e iscriviti all’esame.

Procedura di iscrizione e regolamento

Se sei già un nostro Preparation Centre clicca qui per consultare il calendario esami e iscrivere i tuoi candidati.

Non sei un nostro Preparation Centre ma vuoi diventarlo? Clicca qui per iscrivere la tua scuola.

Procedura di iscrizione e regolamento